Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Ceramic Brace - a Transparency Brace

A smile is the universal welcome, good natured smile can make wonders, improve personality and accomplish miracles. Most of them experience misaligned or wrongly angled teeth. Dental braces align and straighten teeth and help to position them with regard to a person's bite and also helps to improve dental health.

Teeth braces helps to correct under bites, over bites, cross bites, open bites, deep bites, crooked teeth, and various other flaws of the Teeth and Jaw. Braces move the teeth as a result of force and pressure on the teeth. Braces are fitted on children, teenagers as well as adults


Ceramic braces have an advantage over metallic braces. Unlike metal braces, ceramic braces are not easily visible and come in varying levels of transparency. Ceramic braces are available with colour matches to teeth. Most of the braces make discomfort but in case of ceramic brace it feels better on the teeth. Since the material is smooth, wearers and not irritable. Ceramic brackets will not stain the teeth.




Cost of ceramic braces and metal braces doesn’t have much difference. Ceramic braces blend in with the color of the teeth and are cosmetically less noticeable than metal. Ceramic braces are less noticeable then metal braces. Having healthy, strong teeth is essential for a person.


Many people all over the world suffer from confidence issues due to their Teeth. Visit Mahendra dental clinic , Hyderabad to get a Unique smile to get noticed in the Crowd

For more information about orthodontics treatment,